PART 1: PROMOTING HEALTH AT THE LOCAL LEVEL: THE COLLECTIVE APPROACH The potential for promoting health with local communities; J.Douglas, T.Heller & J.Russell Community Action for Health; M.Sidell Partnerships and Collaborations: The Promise of Participation; M.Sidell Working at the Local Level; P.Thornley Evaluating Community Action; A.Peberdy PART 2: PROMOTING HEALTH THROUGH PUBLIC POLICY Health Promotion and Public Policy; L.Jones Making and Changing Public Policy; L.Jones The Politics of Health Promotion; L.Jones & J.Douglas The Social Policy Contribution to Health Promotion; L.Jones Health Promotion and Environmental Politics; L.Jones PART 3: DEBATES AND DILEMMAS IN PROMOTING HEALTH Silent cries: Reflections on Men's Health Promotion; G.Holroyd Collaboration: United We Stand, Divided We Fall?; A.Lethard Ethics: From Health Care to Public Policy; A.Cribb Health Promotion and Society: Critical Perspectives; M.O'Brien Social Science and the Future of Population Health Research; G.Williams & J.Popay Reflections on the Future of Health Promotion; various authors